N头条>英语词典>call sign翻译和用法

call sign

英 [ˈkɔːl saɪn]

美 [ˈkɔːl saɪn]

n.  (无线电通讯的)呼叫信号,呼号




    • (无线电通讯的)呼叫信号,呼号
      the letters and numbers used in radio communication to identify the person who is sending a message


      • (电台的)呼叫信号
        Acall signis the letters and numbers which identify a person, vehicle, or organization that is broadcasting on the radio or sending messages by radio.


        • A few of the ladies had the temerity to call, but were not received, and th4 only sign of life about the place was the Negro man-a young man then& going in and out with a market basket.
        • The medical treatment's speech cry for help to consult with the system to be born the development by the call sign center technique since then.
        • Applicants can call to sign for a suitable exam time.
        • The information that provided by radar are limited, can not identify the ship, inform the name and call sign of vessel, and influenced by weather, sea conditions and terrain.
        • 2 diskette labels should clearly indicate the call sign used, contest name, entry class, and date of the contest.
        • The first loss of the jet's transponder, which communicates the jet's position, speed and call sign to air traffic control radar, would require disabling a circuit breaker above and behind an overhead panel.
        • American airiines11is the call sign.
        • In fixed telephone correspondence business, now the strategy that owe an adoption is to owes behind the first month of fee practice to limit the call sign, namely the customer's can be shouted but can't be active to exhale;
        • Call sign, all are raise your right fists.
        • The terminal behind the NAT can communicate any another terminal of the LAN to start the call sign, but can't receive the signal of the terminal ( or is another behind the NAT) outside the LAN.